Opiate addicts anonymous meetings
Opiate addicts anonymous meetings

Since that time we have grown in numbers and strength with groups of twos and threes popping up in several states and others forming in England, Germany, Canada, Norway and Australia. Ellison, 60, is a recovering cocaine addict who has been clean and sober for 21 years and started the state’s first Cocaine Anonymous (CA) meeting in Little Rock in 1989.


Meetings are free to attend and completely anonymous.

opiate addicts anonymous meetings

There are thousands of NA groups around the country providing a safe space for recovering addicts to share their stories and encourage one another. Hence the first Drug Addicts Anonymous group in the US was born. By David Palmer Cocaine addicts are a special breed. If you have been struggling to overcome your narcotic or opioid addiction, Narcotics Anonymous can help.

opiate addicts anonymous meetings

Upon contacting their brothers and sisters in Sweden, they were granted permission to use DAA’s 12 steps and traditions. Call our 24 Hour NA Hotline: 850-990-HOPE (4673) to talk to an addict in recovery or get information on upcoming meetings. In desperate need to find an affiliation, they were elated to find Drug Addicts Anonymous. Heroin Anonymous (HA) is a fellowship of men and women who have found a better way of life, free from heroin addiction. substance use disorders and was required to attend four Narcotics Anonymous meetings a month and pass random drug tests. If such a program could relieve an alcoholic of their obsession with alcohol then it could do the same in relieving an addict’s obsession with drugs. Her son's death led to her opiate addiction. The NA recovery model uses 12 steps that emphasize reliance on social support and a Higher Power.

opiate addicts anonymous meetings

There is no cost to attend, and the program is open to anyone who wants to overcome any substance dependence. Out of respect for AA’s 12 traditions and singleness of purpose they knew they could not become members of AA but they also realized the success this program had in sobering up drunks. Narcotics Anonymous at a glance: Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is an addiction recovery organization that was founded in 1953. The spark that was to flare into the first Drug Addicts Anonymous group in the United States was started in Dallas, Texas in early 2006 when a small group of addicts wanted to join a 12 step fellowship that used the program of action outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Opiate addicts anonymous meetings